Privacy notice

Privacy notice
In accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, its Regulations and various current and related regulations (the “Personal Data Legislation”), this Privacy Notice is issued.

1. Identity and address of the Controllers.
Freeguana AC, obtains, uses and stores (hereinafter the “Processing”) the personal data that you, as the owner, provide through the “Cannabis Self-Consumption Permission Form.” For the purposes of this Privacy Notice, the civil association declares that its address is located at: Av. La Cantera 2750, Ciudad del Sol, Querétaro, C.P. 76116, Mexico.

2. Processing of Personal Data.
Freeguana AC will be responsible for the personal data collected through the website, social networks, blog and any other electronic means. You may also collect your personal data through any other contact with you, from third parties and from other sources permitted by law, such as third parties, authorities and third-party companies, and each one will be responsible for their processing.

In the event that you have provided contact information for third parties such as references, authorized persons, co-owners, spouses, beneficiaries, co-creditors, guarantors, jointly obligated, guarantors, guarantors, guardians, suppliers and other related legal figures, you guarantee that you have their authorization to provide such data, including, where applicable, the applicable personal data, and is responsible for communicating to said persons about the terms and reasons why we will contact them and, where applicable, the processing of their personal data in accordance with this Privacy Notice, as well as the means to know its full content. Additionally, by your consent to this Privacy Notice, you ratify your authorization for the Controllers to contact said people.

3. Personal data Processed by the Controllers.

For the purposes indicated in this Privacy Notice, we will process the following categories of personal data and specific personal data: Contact information (address, cell phone number and email to receive notifications). Identification data (Identification with official validities). Associate interest.

4. Purposes of the Treatment.

We will process personal data for the following primary and necessary purposes: Create, manage, verify, validate, write and confirm the identity of associates for the presentation of procedures, internal or through any authority or third party. Create, sort, catalogue, classify, divide, separate and store associates’ data and files. Provide the associate with information, communications and notifications about our website, services and third-party services displayed on our website, terms and conditions applicable to them. Manage and process payments, operations and transactions of associates who use our website. Manage, develop, maintain, personalize and improve our website and carry out the activities necessary for them to function optimally and correctly, as well as prevent or detect fraud or abuse. Carry out satisfaction surveys for our products and/or services. Provide advice, clarifications, attention to complaints, customer service, as well as monitor their quality by recording calls and storing the corresponding conversations. Comply with any legal provisions and obligations, national or international, applicable to the Controllers, their subsidiaries and/or affiliates, as well as to manage any judicial process or process and respond to any requirements or requests from the authorities. Carry out activities to collect contributions or social fees. Complementary activities necessary to achieve the above purposes.

If you do not want your personal data to be processed for these secondary or accessory purposes, you can (i) send an email to from this moment, following the procedure referred to in paragraph 7 of this document. Privacy notice.

5. Options and means we offer you to limit the use or disclosure of your personal data.
In all legally appropriate cases, you may limit the use or disclosure of your personal data by submitting a request in accordance with the procedure established in section 7 of this Privacy Notice.

6. Transfer of personal data.

Your personal data may be transferred within the national territory or abroad (in compliance with applicable regulations), in accordance with the following: To authorities, such as, but not limited to, the National Electoral Institute (“INE”), government agencies or entities, in compliance with or in relation to the obligations contemplated in the legislation applicable to one of the Controllers, their subsidiaries and/or or affiliates, as well as in compliance with requirements made to them. To authorities, such as, but not limited to, the INE, government agencies or entities, when the transfer is officially required and/or necessary for the recognition, exercise or defense of a right of one of the Controllers, its subsidiaries and/or or affiliated in a judicial process. Based on the other assumptions established in the Personal Data Legislation, which do not require your consent. With the exception of those mentioned in subsection (g) of this section, the aforementioned transfers do not require your consent in accordance with the Personal Data Legislation. If you do not express your refusal to said transfer, which you can do from now on by sending an email to, we will understand that you have given us your consent.

Additionally, if authorized by the associate through the website or other applicable means, the Controllers may transfer your personal data to third parties for marketing, advertising or commercial prospecting purposes.

In any of the cases indicated above, we will communicate this Privacy Notice to the third party recipients, in order to ensure that their information is used in the terms thereof.

7. Means to exercise your rights.

In all legally appropriate cases, you may at any time and through the procedure established in this section, exercise before each of the Controllers the following rights regarding your personal data: (i) rights of Access, Rectification, Cancellation and Opposition (“ARCO Rights”); (ii) revoke the consent granted to each of the Controllers for the processing of your personal data; (iii) limit the use or disclosure of your personal data; and (iv) express your refusal to process your personal data with respect to the secondary and accessory purposes mentioned above. To exercise these rights regarding your personal data, you must submit the corresponding request to the email in electronic format and with a handwritten signature at the bottom, establishing as the subject “Exercise of rights over personal data” and accompanying the following: copy of the documents that prove your identity (current official identification with photograph) or, where applicable, legal representation, in accordance with the terms established in the Personal Data Legislation; and any other element or document that facilitates the location of your personal data.

We will process the requests of the Owners for the exercise of their rights regarding personal data within a period of no more than 20 (twenty) business days from their receipt and make a request or correct it in accordance with the times of the Legislation of Personal information; The Controllers may extend this period for up to 20 (twenty) more business days, when the case warrants it, with prior notification. If your request is approved, it will be effective within 15 (fifteen) business days following our response.

As established above, the Personal Data Departments of each of the Controllers are in charge of processing any requests from the owners for the exercise of their rights regarding personal data and you can contact them through the email hello

The Controllers wish to keep your personal data updated at all times. Therefore, we request your cooperation to promptly communicate any changes that we must take into account, to incorporate them into our databases. You guarantee and respond, in any case, for the veracity, accuracy, validity and authenticity of your personal data or that of any third party under your custody or legal representation, with the understanding that each of the Controllers will comply with the provisions of the legislation. applicable in relation to the data of said third parties received by one of the Controllers.

8. Means that allow personal data to be collected automatically.
We inform you that the Sites, Apps and Social Networks make use of cookies and other technologies, through which it is possible to automatically monitor your behavior, provide you with our products and/or services and give you an optimal and personalized experience during the use of them, as well as offering you new products and services based on your preferences. The personal data collected through these technologies are: IP address, websites and sections thereof that you visit from the Sites, before the Sites or on pages related to the Sites and Apps, browser characteristics, features of devices, operating system, language preferences, referenced URLs, information about behaviors and actions taken on the Sites and Apps, information about behaviors and actions taken while our App is open, dates and times of visits to the Sites or access the Apps, sections or content consulted therein and location data of the User while our Apps are open.

These technologies can be disabled by accessing the Privacy and/or Security option(s) located in the Options, Tools, Internet Preferences or similar functions of the Internet browser you are using. or through the settings icon, tools or similar of the device on which the Apps are installed; However, when deactivating them you must take into account that such action could cause you to not be able to obtain the full functionality that the Sites and Apps could offer you.

This Privacy Notice may be modified, changed or updated as a result of new legal requirements, our own needs for the products or services we offer, our privacy practices, programs or policies, changes in our business model or other reasons. Causes.

We are committed to keeping you informed about any changes that this Privacy Notice may undergo, through the website, in the corresponding Privacy Notice section.

Last update of the privacy notice: November 5, 2021